Monday, September 8, 2014

An Introduction

It's sometimes hard to think of myself as a writer since I don't work on it every day and I don't have anything published.   So I decided I needed an "author blog" reserved exclusively to writing, so I could work on my "author persona".  I've been writing stories as long as I can remember.  I recall writing a story when I was 8 years old using all the letters I'd learned in cursive about a cat stuck in a tree.  I tend to want to write the perfect story the first time around and need to remember to just get it down and edit later!  Hopefully that will get easier in time ☺

I live in West Michigan with my husband of 16 years and our four children, ages 5, 6½, 8, and 10.  Besides writing, I enjoy knitting, crocheting, tatting, gardening, reading, sewing.....  I am a contributing writer for Home & School Mosaics and have been blogging for 7 years.

1 comment:

Carrie Fancett Pagels said...

Hi Becky, I'm originally from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Best wishes for your writing. Sounds like you are enjoying a full life. Blessings!